Clean water is essential to everyday life. This makes the job of water and wastewater (WWW) treatment plants, both municipal and industrial, extremely important and the maintenance of their facilities, machinery and equipment even more important. The harmful materials, chemical compounds and microorganisms removed from the water during the treatment processes create extremely harsh environments for the operating equipment and structures.
For decades, Belzona has been providing the WWW industry with technologically advanced repair composites, materials approved for contact with potable water and protective coatings designed to withstand the effects of the harsh environments. Belzona solutions for the WWW industry provide maintenance crews with the materials to address emergency and routine repairs, to extend the operating life of equipment by protecting it from abrasion and corrosion, and to ensure safety and environmental compliance, and most importantly, an uninterrupted clean water supply to the communities!
I am truly hoping that we can meet in the near future. I want to learn more about you and your company and your experiences with Belzona. I also want to update you on the exciting improvements and new Belzona products.
Repair & Efficiency Enhancement of Fluid Management Systems
Concrete Repair of Sewage Systems
Leak Sealing
Repair & Protection of Mechanically Damaged Equipment
Protection from Chemical Attack
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